Our next webinar about tourismWILL ROCK YOUR WORLD!
Attend our free webinar to discover why :
- In France, constantly griping about the quality of your vacation isn’t a sign of dissatisfaction but rather a cultural tradition.
- In Germany, activities, culture and cuisine always go hand in hand.
- In Spain, we want it all! Cultural and natural attractions with good gastronomy and leisure options, always with a smile.
- In Japan, people travel to experience nature and to visit historical sites more than any other reason.
- In the UK, people make the most outlandish complaints on holiday, including “the beach being too sandy” or that “the sea has too many fish”.
Despite shared cultural references, our vacation behaviours vary significantly by country, leading to different expectations. As a result, we are more receptive to certain types of communication than others.
For instance, German tourists appreciate messages highlighting nature, while French tourists prioritise gastronomy. In Japan, it’s all about customer reviews and online presence, while in Spain, impeccable accommodation and service trumps all. For the UK, it comes down to uniqueness, affordability and convenience.
For 40 minutes (+ a 20 minute Q&A), our communications experts from France, Germany, Japan, UK, and Spain will provide insightful and sometimes amusing perspectives on the best practices to adopt when communicating with their compatriots.
” France, Germany, Japan, Spain, UK :
a comparative communication approach for the global tourist “